Letter to a Lover


Letter Delivery Option

Love Letters Express will write a love letter from your heart to your wife or hubby (fiancé or fiancée, boyfriend or girlfriend); an expression of vows - new or renewed; or a letter just because you love them.

FUN FACT, the idea for Love Letters began as a way to bring the full monty of love into wedding ceremonies in the Bay of Islands! These letters, read during the ceremony, bring authenticity, sparkle, wit and joy to each couple's special day. Guests are delighted with a 'first person' glimpse into what makes a couple work, how they make love look so easy, and how they plan to keep it going. Tears and giggles guaranteed.  

  • Digital option: will arrive as a PDF file to the email addresses supplied in the questionnaire and at checkout. 
  • Posted letter option: will be printed on top quality paper stock, addressed in a matching envelope, giving the recipient a beautiful piece of snail mail to look forward to opening. 
  • Combo option: you'll get all of the above - Digital (emailed PDF), Printed and Posted letter in matching envelope.

SKU: 002-2

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